What Changed? (SoB'24)

What Changed? (SoB'24)


2 min read

Hi everyone!
It’s almost September end, we are at culmination of SoB’24 and a start to a new journey. It’s more kind of an update-kind of thing than a blog, along with some learnings.
I was truly overwhelmed by the end of SoB’23 and since at the later stages I became a part of C4GT’23 I was burned out, with minimal learnings out of that program. I was in a dilemma, of what to do now, since everything seemed so important.

Learn C/C++? or maybe learn Rust? what about Backend Systems? and DSA is also imp to land a job? but Java is still prevalent in industry? Wait, what about the operating systems, networking, & databases(+compilers maybe).
Amongst all this chaos, I ended up doing literally nothing for next 5 months.
Fun Fact: I was also clearing a backlog that sem ;)

I signed up for chaincode BTC career FOSS in Jan, and I couldn’t do tasks on time due to skill issues. Eventually, I picked up learning Rust and technicals of bitcoin in depth. On the way, I also studied a few cryptographic concepts and working on some proposals for GSoC and SoB. Also, I really enjoyed studying Operating Systems in coursework.

In summers, I focused on strengthening my Data Structure & Algorithm skills, along with focusing on my intern project. Lately, I’ve picked up a course on Systems Programming, and learning backend systems.

Exciting update: I’ll be receiving a fellowship for continuing my work to contribute to coinswap :)

The major change that I feel in my mindset, is I’m focusing on my skills, and not on “how to quickly get a high-paying job”. I believe it would come as a byproduct. Also, learning a few things from a perspective of (say) hobby helps in the longer run.